Pupil Premium
So that we are complying with Ofsted’s recommended guidelines as to what should be published on a school website with regards to its Pupil Premium funding, all details are below with links to documents.
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is a grant given by the government to publicly funded schools in England to:
- decrease the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged children, whether by income or by family upheaval, so that they reach their potential; and
- support children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces.
Each financial year, schools, who have recorded eligible students in their relevant January census, will receive funding for each student who attracts Pupil Premium.
Priorities for Pupil Premium students at Sexey’s School
The primary purpose for our Pupil Premium funding is to enrich the lives of all our Pupil Premium students, no matter their background or prior attainment. To that end, we aim to their raise achievement, ensure we are diminishing differences between our disadvantaged students and other student groups and, when needed, provide excellent pastoral and wellbeing support.
At Sexey’s, we have a smaller than national average number of students who attract Pupil Premium funding. This enables us to provide a bespoke and tailored approach to each and every one of them.
Quality Assurance
The leadership team with direct responsibility for the education of our Pupil Premium students, review the strategies that are in place at the beginning of each academic year. This ensures we are being consistent in supporting our Pupil Premium students in the best way we can. We want our Pupil Premium students to achieve the best grades they can, and develop into well rounded adults that are capable of contributing in their community. We aim to achieve this through consistent and excellent teaching, high expectations and through encouraging personal, moral and spiritual development within a Christian framework.
So that we our complying with Ofsted’s recommended guidelines as to what should be published on a school website with regards to its Pupil Premium funding, there are links below to our core Pupil Premium documents. These documents incorporate guidelines and recommendations from both the Department for Education and the Education Endowment Foundation, in particular, we have referred to:
The Department for Education’s Pupil Premium: effective use and accountability guidance, published 18 October 2019 and last updated 27 October 2022
The Education Endowment Foundation Guide to Pupil Premium, published June 2019 and updated 8 April 2022
- The Education Endowment Foundation COVID 19 Support Guide for Schools, published June 2020
Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2025
Additional information
- More information on Free School Meals can be found here.
- For more information on Pupil Premium and catch up, please contact Mr Ross Dalzell, Deputy Head.