Sexey's Sixth Bursary Fund
Guidance notes
As you may be aware, the arrangements for providing appropriate support for Sixth Form students experiencing financial difficulties have changed substantially as a result of Government policy.
The information below will help you decide if an application is appropriate and then guide your actual application.
There is no doubt that the arrangements can appear complicated and you are encouraged to seek confidential advice and guidance from the school if you think you need it.
Sexey’s 16-19 Vulnerable Learners’ Bursary Fund
A guaranteed bursary of £1,200 will be awarded to those students whom the Government describes as ‘vulnerable’. The following young people are eligible for this bursary:
- Young people in care under the Social Services
- Young people leaving care
- Young people in receipt of Income Support (estranged from their parents)
- Young people in receipt of Employment & Support Allowance (ESA) and Disability Living Allowance (DLA).
This bursary will not affect Income Support payments.
The bursary will be payable in fortnightly instalments of £60 paid by BACS directly to the student’s bank account. These payments will be made in full provided the student fulfils the following criteria:
- Full and prompt attendance at lessons and tutorials
- Satisfactory completion of all work set, including coursework and assignments; these to be submitted on time and the best of your ability
- Attendance at all exams for which you are entered
- Satisfactory behaviour.
Where absence can be authorised, and the absence reporting procedure has been followed, payment will be considered. Students must have attended school for a minimum of 20 hours of timetabled lessons in any one week before payment can be considered.
The remainder of the bursary will be allocated to an account in school which may be used for course related expenditure.
16-19 Sexey’s Discretionary Bursary
Students aged between 16-19 years who face financial hardship may apply for this Discretionary Bursary. This bursary may be used towards books, school trips, course costs and transport to and from school. When applying for this Bursary you will need to provide financial evidence to support your application and demonstrate your level of financial hardship.
You do not have to qualify for the 16-19 Vulnerable Learners’ Bursary in order to apply for this Discretionary Bursary.
As a school we have set out guidelines for eligibility for the Discretionary bursaries and will assess all applications individually and without prejudice.
Households with an annual income of less than £26,000 and parents who are in receipt of the following may be eligible for this bursary:
- Council Tax Benefit
- Employment and Support Allowance Disability Allowance
- Housing benefit
- Income Support
- Job seekers allowance (Income Based)
- Universal Credit
- Working Tax Credit (at a level that attracts free prescriptions)
In addition to the above bursary an allocation will be paid by bank transfer on a termly basis to the student as a contribution to the Somerset County bus ticket. A photocopy of their current County bus ticket must accompany the bursary application form.
A student’s application must be supported with financial evidence in the form of a photocopy of the parent(s)/guardian(s) most recent award notices for each benefit and a copy of the parents’ latest P60 or evidence of self-employment income.
If you wish to apply for one of the above bursaries please submit an Application Form to Lucy Humberston, Data Manager along with all necessary supporting evidence.
Bursary applications will be assessed and allocated by the Business Manager and Head of Sixth Form.
If you disagree with the decision reached in respect of your application, you have the right to appeal. Appeals should be made in writing to the Head of Sixth Form.