Admissions information
Welcome to Sexey’s Admissions pages. You will find lots of information here about the application process for Sexey’s and we hope that you find it useful. But do please feel free to email the Admissions Officer at any time with additional queries – we are always delighted to hear from you.
Most girls and boys join Sexey’s when they are aged 11+ (Year 7), but we do accept in-year applications throughout the School, except for Year 11 (which disrupts teaching and preparation for examinations). There is also a strong Sixth Form intake at 16+ (Year 12) and admissions details for Sixth Form can be found here.
The School day starts at 8.40am for morning registration with the school day finishing at 3.40pm (Monday to Friday, 35 hours a week).
Details of Day Student maximum admission numbers for September 2024
Year group | Maximum number of day places |
7 | 65 |
8 | 75 |
9 | 80 |
10 | 80 |
11 | 80 |
12 | 60 |
13 | 60 |
Sexey’s is academically non-selective throughout the Lower School. Confirmation of preference for day or boarding status is required during the registration process, and details of our priority applications criteria for each (including our catchment area for day places) can be found here.
We welcome you to attend our regular Open Days, and to arrange a visit of the School. Please email the Admissions Officer for more details.
We will try to respond to your enquiry as soon as possible, but thank you for your patience as we are a very busy Admissions office. Normal office hours are 9am to 4pm Monday-Friday during term time.