
Intent & Aims to Learning: Maths

Our curriculum is based on the principles of mathematics mastery. Our curriculum empowers and equips teachers to improve pupils’ enjoyment, resilience, understanding and attainment in maths. Through our curriculum we aim for:

  • Success for all
    Every child can enjoy and succeed in mathematics as long as they are given the appropriate learning opportunities. A growth mindset enables pupils to develop resilience and confidence.
  • Deeper understanding
    Pupils must be given time and opportunities to fully explore mathematical concepts. The challenge comes from investigating ideas in new and complex ways – rather than accelerating through new topics.
  • Problem-solving
    Enabling learners to solve new problems in unfamiliar contexts is the ultimate aim of mathematics education. Identifying, applying and connecting ideas enables pupils to tackle new and more complex problems.
  • Mathematical thinking
    Successful mathematicians are known to develop mathematical ‘habits of mind’. To encourage this, we must support pupils to be systematic, generalise and seek out patterns. Questioning is a key element of this.
  • Mathematical language
    Mathematical language strengthens conceptual understanding by enabling pupils to explain and reason. This must be carefully introduced and reinforced through frequent discussion to ensure it is meaningfully understood.
  • Multiple representations
    Objects, pictures, numbers and symbols enable pupils to represent ideas and make connections in different ways. This develops understanding and problem solving skills – while making lessons engaging and fun.

Key Stage 3 curriculum plan

In Key Stage 3 we follow the National Curriculum. Student does maths equations in book

Year 7 – Students build on their work at Key Stage 2.
The main areas of study will be:

  • Integers and decimals
  • Sequences and functions
  • Measures, fractions and decimals
  • Representing data
  • Operations, symbols and expressions
  • Calculation and measure
  • Data and probability
  • Angles and 3-D shapes
  • Integers and graphs
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Transformations and symmetry
  • Averages
  • Calculations, equations and formulas

Year 8 – Students build on their work in Year 7.
The main areas of study will be:

  • Integers,
  • Measures,
  • Probability,
  • Fractions decimals and percentages,
  • Expressions and formulae,
  • Equations and graphs, calculations,
  • Sequences,
  • Collecting and representing data,
  • Ratio and proportion,
  • Algebra,
  • Construction and 3D shapes,
  • Analysing and interpreting data.

Year 9 – Students build on their work in Year 8.
With changes in GCSE first examined in 2017 there will be more emphasis in Year 9 on the new focus of the new GCSE by developing fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts:

  • Acquiring, selecting and applying mathematical techniques to solve problem
  • Reasoning mathematically, making deductions and inferences and drawing conclusions
  • Comprehending, interpreting and communicating mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context
  • Students will also learn mathematical formulae which will no longer be given at GCSE

The main areas of study will be:

  • Sequences and graphs
  • Proportional reasoning
  • Geometrical reasoning and constructions
  • Equations
  • Surveys
  • Measures
  • Calculations
  • Graphs
  • Probability
  • Transformations and scale
  • Expressions and formulae
  • Interpreting statistics
  • 3D shapes

Students will be given a short assessment at the end of each topic. Students will also complete four longer assessments during the year.

Key Stage 4 curriculum plan

All students now follow the new OCR GCSE Mathematics Specification for examinations.

The course is examined in Year 11 – there will be three papers each worth a third of the overall mark. Paper 1 is non-calculator, in Papers 2 and 3 calculators are allowed. Each paper is 90 minutes long and consists of a mix of question styles from short single-mark questions to multi-step problems.

The mathematical demand increases as the student progresses through the paper. Students are also expected to know all the formulae required and these are no longer given as in the previous GCSE.

Spiritual, Moral, Social or Cultural Opportunities

Opportunities are taken to make links between etymology and definitions of words, and the historical aspects to the subject.

Most Able Opportunities/Support

We enter students into the UKMT Maths Challenge each year. In Years 10 and 11 we encourage our more able students to enter the GCSE Further Mathematics alongside their GCSE Mathematics.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Opportunities/Support

The department uses a range of teaching strategies and practical resources to support students.

Staff List

  • Mrs J Owen (Head of Department)
  • Mrs N McMeakin
  • Mr R Dalzell
  • Mr C Apfelstedt
  • Mr A Mills
  • Mr Clackson

Useful revision website links