Friends of Sexey’s School

Like all state schools, Sexey’s is facing unprecedented funding pressures. As a result, we as parents now have a vital role to play in helping to ‘plug the gaps’ and do what we can to help boost budgets, so the school continues to thrive. We need your help more than ever!

Fundraising at Sexey’s is co-ordinated by Friends of Sexey’s School (FOSS), a group of committed volunteers. Anyone in the local community is welcome to join the group from parents, staff, ex-students to local businesses owners.

Over the past few years our fundraising efforts have been restricted due to COVID but previously the group has raised funds for a range of vital educational resources from field trips to library furniture to microphones. This year we want to raise much more. And we’re looking at some imaginative ways to ‘add value’ to the school as well. We understand that long meetings and coffee mornings aren’t for everyone, and many parents are too busy or too far away to commit to join the FOSS. Luckily there are plenty of ways you can support the FOSS to help raise money for the school that involve very little time and effort!

Here are a few ways you can help:

Sign up to our Annual Family Prize Draw

We are delighted to be relaunching the Friends of Sexey’s School Family Draw for 2024/25. At just £10 per ticket, this is an easy way of donating to the school, with a chance to win great prizes in three draws a year.

The draws for 2024/25 will take place on Wednesday 11th December 24, Wednesday 26th March 25 and Tuesday 8th July 25.

For your chance to be in the draw please purchase your ticket/s by Friday 29th November 2024 . Tickets can still be purchased after this date but you will only be entered into the two remaining draws.

To purchase your ticket/s please complete the Family Draw Form and email a copy to or hand to Reception.

Payment can be made by cash, cheque, bank transfer or by card using our online SumUp account. To pay using SumUp please use the link provided.

Thank you for your support and good luck!

Join in!
Come to our fundraising events, bring your friends and spread the word. If there are ways we can improve these events, let us know!

Donate prizes for raffles or food & drink for our events
If you or someone you know has a food or drink company that needs promoting, we’re not afraid of plugging donors and their products at our events!

Share your fundraising ideas
Share your thoughts and contact us via . We’d like to find out what type of events you’re likely to support, ways you think we can make money, what you think needs funding, and what, if anything, you can add to the mix. All ideas welcome and we’ll make full use of them in planning our on-going activities.

Other ways you can help the school:

Sponsor the Bruton Community Fireworks

Thank you all for supporting the school fireworks event last year, we have had nothing but praise about the event and are excited to be starting planning for this year’s event taking place on Friday 8th November 2024. The plan this year is to go bigger and better and to do this we are asking local businesses for support.

This year we are offering two packages for business to get involved and support the event either as an event sponsor or partner.

Event sponsor package – £500 (4 available)


  • Named as a sponsor on website and press releases
  • Advertising on all marketing literature – tickets, posters, social media
  • Can provide banners and displays to be onsite for the event
  • Option to bring own gazebo to promote business at the event
  • Event announcements
  • Complimentary tickets x 10

Event partner package – £250 (6 available)


  • Named as a partner on website and press releases
  • Advertising on marketing literature – posters and specific social media
  • Can provide banners and displays to be onsite for the event
  • Event announcements
  • Complimentary tickets x 4

Please get in touch with Mrs Parsons if you would like to support the event or to discuss any of the options at

Offer your services, skills or experience
Could you give a talk at Sexey’s? Can you help us design or edit a school publication? All suggestions welcome!

“Within our diverse parent community there is a wealth of skills, experience, contacts and resources, that properly channeled, can make our already special school truly exceptional”.

With your help, we can make this our most successful year of fundraising to date!