Absence procedures


If your son/daughter is unwell it is vital that parents notify the School each day they are unwell, before 08.40 am.

You can check the NHS support page to see if your child is too unwell for school.

Please use one of the following methods:

  • Telephone 01749 813393 and select option 1 for attendance. Please leave their name, tutor group and a brief description of why they are absent.
  • E-mail the Absence Officer

Absences for illness must be repeated on each day of the absence. Boarding students who usually return to school on a Sunday should contact the boarding house on Sunday evening before 8.00pm if not returning.

Periods of absence via voicemail/phone call must be followed up in writing either by an email or a letter from a parent/carer on the child’s return. The student’s absence must be marked as unauthorised if this written explanation is not provided.

Sexey’s follows strict legislative guidelines set by the Government with regards to attendance and requests for term time leave. This includes adopting Somerset Local Authority arrangements with regards to the use of warning penalty notices and penalty notices.

  • For planned absences from school or lessons, such as dental/medical appointments or other legitimate reasons, parents/guardians should provide an appointment card from the dentist/hospital etc. If a note or a card is not produced then the absence will not be authorised.
  • Medical absences: For medical absences over five days, we request a copy of a doctor’s appointment card to show that you have consulted with/attended a GP for advice in order to support authorisation of absence.
  • All absences will be marked as unauthorised if no communication from parents/guardians has been received. The School is required to inform the Local Authority if a student fails to attend school for 10 sessions in any 12 week period.

If you wish to request permission for your child to be absent from school during term-time for any reason (Years 7-11), please complete the Term-Time Leave Request Form and return it to Ms S Lewis, Attendance Officer at absence@sexeys.somerset.sch.uk

Days off from school add up to lost learningview the attendance chart to understand more about attendance, how the attendance percentages are calculated and how attendance will impact your child’s education.


In order for a student to make maximum academic progress and social and emotional development they should attend school daily. Each day missed results in missed learning opportunities. As a school we set our students the attendance target of 95%, many students exceed this. However we understand that at times people are ill and unable to attend school. To support you in reporting your son or daughters absence we have established a number of ways for you to do this. When reporting your son or daughters absence it is essential that you share with us the following information:- Students name, Students tutor group and Reason for absence.

Please can we ask that you notify us as soon as possible about any absence, before 8:40am using one of the following methods:

  • Email us on absence@sexeys.somerset.sch.uk
  • Call 01749 813393 and press number 1. Please be aware that periods of absence notified via voicemail/phone call must be followed up in writing either by an email or a letter from a parent/guardian on their child’s return. A sickness absence cannot be authorised until an explanatory letter has been received.

Term Time Absence

If you wish to request permission for your child to be absent from Sixth Form during term-time for any reason, please complete the Term-Time Leave Request Form and return it to Ms S Lewis, Attendance Officer at absence@sexeys.somerset.sch.uk