Adverse weather arrangements

We are initiating a consent process for parents/guardians to nominate an alternative adult for collection of their child(ren).  This is only in the event of adverse weather, and will follow the school permitting early collection via email notification to all parents/guardians.

There are two forms to be completed:

1    For you as a parent/guardian nominating an adult who can collect your child(ren).  Please complete this form to nominate up to two people to collect your child(ren) in case of adverse weather  – Adverse Weather Nomination Form

You will need to provide the full name and postcode of the person(s) you are nominating.

2    For the nominated person to agree. Please ask them to complete this form to consent – Adverse Weather Consent Form.

Please note that your child(ren) will only be released from school if the person you have nominated has consented to your request.

All forms can be completed at any time, but both will need to have been done at least 24 hours in advance of any future event for the nominated person to be able to collect.  Anyone who is already an emergency contact on Arbor DOES NOT need to be nominated.