Dress code

Dress code

Years 7-11

Uniform is worn during the school day, for school trips and visits (where directed) and detentions.
Day students wear uniform when travelling to and from school. Boarding students wear uniform for visits into Bruton, during the school week.

Blazers are worn at all times during the school day – this means from leaving your home or boarding house in the morning until you return home or back to the boarding house.

Concessions are made only:

  • At break and lunchtime in hot weather or while participating in a physical activity
  • In class, if the teacher gives permission

Shirts should be worn properly tucked into trousers or skirts. Collars and cuffs should be properly fastened. Ties are to be worn and should be done up with the knot covering the top button of the shirt, the broad section outer most and four eagles visible. The tie should be worn at approximately A4 length. A black, school V-neck jumper may be worn in addition under the blazer.


Burgundy Polo Shirts are part of the designated uniform for the latter part of the year subject to weather conditions. Blazers are required in the summer term however this may removed on hot days. The polo shirt should be worn tucked in.

General Appearance
Students are expected to wear clothes that are clean and in a good condition so that general appearance is neat and presentable, creating a positive image and taking a pride in belonging to the School. Shoes should be in good repair, clean and presentable. Hair should be neat and well-groomed and not styled in any extreme way. Hair which is longer than the bottom of the shirt collar must be tied back. Where applicable, boys should be clean shaven.

To help with the interpretation:

  • Hair which is long (below the collar) may present a health & safety hazard in some lessons. In such instances the student will be required to tie their hair back.
  • Extreme style includes unnatural colour, streaks of colour and/or different colour, and/or blocks of colour. Shaven heads – partially or whole including tram lines, unevenness of cut, undercuts etc and hair shorter than grade 2 are not allowed.
  • No make-up is permitted with school uniform except on Year 11 where “natural looking” makeup may be worn.
  • Natural looking makeup in Year 11 should be discrete and not noticeable. A natural base and discrete mascara may be work.  Lipstick, gloss and stain are not natural looking, neither is eyeliner.
  • Jewellery – The following pieces of jewellery are permitted, no other:
    • A plain wristwatch (with a close-fitting strap/bracelet)
    • One small plain or signet ring this is not large in size or appearance.
    • One small cross or other recognised religious symbol on a plain chain.
    • One plain gold or silver stud / sleeper earring in the lobe of each ear.

Uniform expectations are applicable at all times when the school uniform is worn including on the way to and from school and when representing the school at an external event.

Students may be required to remove any or all jewellery for health and safety reasons. Parents are requested to ensure body piercings of any nature are not undertaken unless the length of healing time is covered by a school holiday.

Kilts should be worn correctly and not rolled at the waistband.

PE Kit

Appropriate kit should be worn for PE and students must ask personal permission of a teacher to wear games kit in a lesson other than PE (unless this has been arranged in advance by PE staff).

We ask you to take pride in the way you dress for Sixth Form and abide by the Sixth Form Dress Code. The following guidance sets out details of what the school considers to be smart and acceptable dress for Years 12 and 13.

All Students

• Smart ‘office-wear’ – trousers, skirts, dresses, shirt, jacket and/or smart jumper (tops/dresses should not have ‘spaghetti’ straps or be open or low cut)
• All tops should be long enough to be tucked into trousers or skirts.
• Skirts and shorts should be no shorter than mid-thigh length
• Denim jeans are not permitted
• Shorts are not permitted (Unless during the summer term, in which case they should be tailored and mid-thigh length and able to wear a belt with. No cargo, jean, hot pant or lycra shorts)
• No large, printed t-shirts or sweatshirts or hoodies
• Shoes should be smart and clean. Trainers or walking shoes/boots, crocs and flip-flops are not permitted
• PE kit should be worn for PE lessons, if a student attends a lunchtime session they should change back into smart attire for lessons
• Staff will notify students of the appropriate dress code for school trips
• Protective clothing should be worn when required in practical lessons e.g. DT/Art

Body Art and Piercings

Piercings (other than ear piercings of one plain gold or silver stud / sleeper earring in the lobe of each ear) must be removed when in school.

Sixth Form students are permitted to have a small nose stud.