
Making the most of your time at Sexey’s Sixth

You will flourish at Sexey’s Sixth Form. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved, get creative, lead, build community and gain experiences that will set you in good stead for your future.

We encourage and expect all students to engage in volunteering, work experience and to develop personal interests, whether it is in drama, music or sport, charity work, leadership, debating or politics. We will support you with the organisation – especially if you are interested in starting a club or pursuing a new interest.

Sixth Form Games

All Sixth Formers have time on a Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon to take part in a sporting activity of their choice. They should be in smart PE kit for this.  Students opt for their activity at the start of each full term and work on the same activity for this time.  An example of recreational activities on offer can be seen below:

Pilates, badminton, swimming, field games, tennis, fitness, cross fit

It is during this time that our First Teams have their fixtures. We offer competitive fixtures in the following sports:

Hockey (Girls), Rugby (Boys), Netball (Girls), Football (Boys), Cricket (mixed)

Our fixtures are held at Sexey’s School and around Somerset and Dorset. All of our fixtures can be seen on our microsite: Sexeys School Sport.

Should students wish to take part in a sport off-site such as Horse Riding, they may sign out providing we have all the relevant information and there is parental permission. Students may also use this time to volunteer – again the school will require all the relevant information and documentation to support this.