Drama AQA (Drama and Theatre)
Studying drama not only increases your understanding of one of the most demanding and exciting art forms, it also improves your interpersonal skills and helps develop self-confidence.
Many employers recognise the value of this qualification because those who succeed on the course possess many of the assets which will enable them to succeed in the workplace, including initiative, creativity and group work skills.
We have a fully equipped studio with sound and lighting, so we look at performance, design and technical aspects of Drama making this course an interesting option for those considering careers in design, media and art as well as performance. Students may wish to enter technical design, directing or acting for the practical part of the examination. Regular theatre visits are arranged and theatre companies will visit the school.
The AQA A Level specification has a 60% practical assessment (devised performance, extract performance, working notebook and reflective report) and 40% written examination. A Level students study five performance texts plus devised drama as outlined below:
Component 1: Interpreting Drama
This unit is focused on the interpretation of TWO plays from a performance perspective as well as the analysis of live theatre. You will undertake practical study of a play from a significant period of theatrical history in order to develop a theatrical overview that will allow you to respond as an actor, director and designer. You will also study a play from 20th or 21st Century Drama to respond as a director, actor and designer to communicate your interpretation of a given extract.
Assessment: 3 hr Written Paper, 40% of A-Level
Component 2: Creating Original Drama Devising Working Notebook & Performance
This unit builds on the skills acquired in AS by giving you the opportunity to create an original devised drama for an audience. Your work will be influenced by the work and methodologies of one prescribed theatrical practitioner. You will then demonstrate your acting, directing or design skills as you devise, rehearse and perform your work in your selected style.
Assessment: 30% of A-Level. Internally assessed and externally moderated by postal moderator
Component 3: Making Theatre Practical Exploration Reflective Report & Theatrical Interpretation
This unit gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your acting, directing or design skills as you practically explore and theatrically interpret THREE extracts from THREE different published plays. The third extract should be heavily influenced in terms of theatrical aims, rehearsal methods and performance/production style by the work of a theatre practitioner who has made a significant contribution to theatre practice and will be performed as a final assessed piece. You may be assessed as an actor, director or designer for this unit.
Assessment: 30% of A-Level. Externally assessed by visiting examiner
MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: Five GCSEs at Grade 5 or above, including Grade 5 in English and/or Drama. An interest in the performing and creative arts would be beneficial.
Updated September 2023