Consent to accept lift from a student at school

Consent to accept lift from a student at school

  1. Any student who holds a valid UK driving license, who wishes to drive to School, either on a regular basis, or occasionally is required to submit an application for Parking Permit.
  2. Students are not permitted to carry other students as passengers to and from School and during the school day without the permission of their parents/guardian and the passenger’s parents/guardian.
  3. Students are required to notify the School of any passenger who may be travelling with them to and from School.
  4. Driving to School is a privilege and strict sanctions will apply where students fail to meet these obligations, including the withdrawal of the Parking Permit.

These rules are entirely for the protection of our student and are derived from the experiences of other institutions where fatal accidents have occurred.

Consent to accept lift from a student at school

Student Name(Required)
Parent/Guardian Name(Required)
By ticking the consent button below I confirm that I am aware of the school’s requirements regarding students driving to and from school and during the school day. In the event of changes in circumstances, I will notify the school.(Required)