Hosting Boarding Students Agreement Form

Thank you for offering to host a boarding student from Sexey’s School.

Please carefully read the information below to ensure you fully understand the responsibility of hosting a boarding student in your home. If you are in agreement to abide by the terms and conditions, please complete and submit the form at the bottom of the page.

Breakfast, lunch and the evening meal are to be provided for the student each day the student is with you.
Breakfast might consist of cereal, fruit juice, toast, tea or coffee. If it is the practice for the family to get their own breakfast, this should be explained to the student. The student should be advised that it is the practice for the family to eat the evening meal together.

The student should be asked to be punctual at meal time and to always contact the family if they expect to be late or miss a meal. Indicate to the student if they may “help themselves” to food and drinks at any time. Ask the student if there are any foods he/she does not eat – sometimes there could be religious or medical restrictions.

The student should be provided with a comfortable bed. The student may not share a bed. Single beds must be used for each student. Under no circumstances should double beds be used to accommodate more than one student.

The student’s privacy should be respected by all members of the host family and the student should reciprocate. The student should keep the bedroom clean and tidy.

The student should ask your permission before bringing friends into your home and they should ask where they can entertain them. If you wish the friends to leave by a certain time indicate this to the student.

24 Hour Support
The House staff can be contacted during term time in the event of an emergency. Equally Host Parents should contact the student’s Parents directly if there is an emergency.

Supervision of students visiting
An adult member of the host family should be present at all times for children or minors under 14 years of age and overnight for students under 18 years of age. It is your responsibility to ensure any adults living in the household during hosting are free of criminal convictions pertaining to the safeguarding of children.


Host families are responsible for their own household insurance

Host Family Responsibilities:

  • To provide accommodation for the child, 24 hours care and supervision which includes 3 meals each day
  • To provide a clean and comfortable student bedroom with adequate heating and light.
  • To provide adequate laundry and washing facilities with access to the laundry and bathroom as a member of the family, with a change of bed linen each week.
  • To provide the student with an appropriate and balanced diet.
  • To show due concern for the welfare, safety and security of the student during his/her stay and to inform Sexey’s School immediately in the event of a medical emergency, illness or accident.
  • To respect the student’s different cultural background and be sensitive to the particular needs of the student.
  • To be responsible for the safety and security of the student and his/her belongings in your home.
  • Report any safeguarding concerns to Sexey’s School Designated Safeguarding Lead on 07701303992
  • Report any welfare, behavior or health concerns to the Director of Boarding on 07387171274
  • Report any criminal activity to the Police
  • To not allow any illegal substances in your home while the student is staying with you.
  • To ensure students staying with you under the age of 18 do not have access to alcohol, drugs, smoking or vaping equipment.

Statement of Policy
Personal information will be stored securely, ensuring that any information kept is adequate, relevant and not excessive, dealt with appropriately and kept for no longer than its intended use.

If you are in agreement to abide by the terms and conditions, please complete and submit the form below.

Hosting Boarding Students Agreement Form

  • This number must be the number we can contact you on during the hosting period.
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