Ski Trip 2025 – Aosta, Pila, Italy

48 students and 6 staff members lined up outside Sexey’s on Saturday 18th January awaiting the arrival of our luxury coach to whisk us off to the Italian Alps for a week. After a few cold spells in the UK, we were already excited at the prospect of actual snow that we could ski on and seeing the mountains up close.
The journey down went smoothly, we caught the ferry on time and ploughed on through France, to awake early on Sunday morning for breakfast and then on through the Mont Blanc Tunnel to Italy and our resort.
Day 1 was spent getting skis and boots fitted and an orientation hike near to our hotels, followed by an evening of information and sorting ski clothing for the week ahead.
Day 2-6 was a blur of nervous energy as students negotiated the first gondola ride on the Monday, to eating as much pizza as is humanly possible! Throughout the week the students continued to improve and improve, with a few falls and injuries along the way.
Through it all the students were fantastic, listening to instructions, being polite to staff and their instructors and enjoying the cultural differences they encountered when we went for gelato in the town of Aosta, or bowling at the local bowling alley.
The week was finished off with a lovely powder day, where we had around 20cm of snow fall and then clear blue skies and a presentation evening to highlight the success of our students. It also gave the opportunity for one instructor to demonstrate his ability to write poetry, which went down well with his group.
Then it was packing and sorting and returning on the long journey back to the UK, with lots of stories to tell, smiles and laughs along the way and hopefully some more mature and worldly students.
As ever, we look forward to the next trip in 2026 for the current Year 9 students as it is such a memorable and developmental trip for the students at Sexey’s.
I must also sign off by thanking all the members of staff that gave up time away from their families; Mrs Rogerson, Mrs McMeakin, Mrs Hole, Mr Sainsbury and Mr Moise (Snr).
Mr Moise (Jnr)