Half Term Library News – October 2024

Many of you know I love displays and here is one for our spooky readers!
I am often asked for a scary book, so I have displayed a few for all ages to browse.
I am thrilled to announce the next amazon Christmas book appeal is live and here is the link.
We were extremely lucky at Christmas 2023. Students are so grateful for the kind donations. Inside every book we are gifted, there is a note with who the book is from so every reader can remember how generous parents and friends of Sexeys are.
BIG thanks to Tatenda Edmunds this term who volunteered to help in the library for her Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.
Tatenda must complete one hour per week helping in the library.
So far, she has looked through and tidied all the bookshelves alerting me of an update needed here and a gap there. I am much obliged to her.
Tatenda is helping with the displays as well as adding new books to the reading Cloud system. You have been such an asset to the library. Next challenge for Tatenda is to help me judge the poems that have been flying through the door!
Thank you so much to Christina Martin in year 8 for this enormous donation of immaculate books. So generous of you.