Sexey’s Sixth Autumn Term Roundup

Sexey’s Sixth Autumn Term Roundup

The first term back at Sexey’s Sixth form has been both very busy and very productive, as year twelve adjusts to A-Levels and year thirteen begins to prepare for their exams.

September began with an icebreaker barbeque to welcome all the new year twelves. This gave everybody a chance to get to know one another across both years and enabled the sixth form’s cohesive feeling to continue into a new year. It also gave all the new prefects an opportunity to introduce themselves and begin to talk about some of the projects they would like to organise in the coming year.

This term has proven to be academically challenging for year 13 as we prepare for mock exams in January and juggle UCAS applications. Both have been made easier by our tutors and the appointment of Mr McLeish as head of year thirteen, we have been led through the process seamlessly so that all applications can be properly processed and reviewed well before the January deadline. After so much hard work I know we are all looking forward to the Christmas holidays (and hopefully receiving a university offer or two!), before returning to school refreshed and ready, in the new year.

Our heads of fundraising have done an amazing job at running the charity coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer support. It was a huge success and raised lots of money for a good cause, as well as helping Sexey’s to carry on its traditional role as an integral part of the local community. Thank you to everyone that came out to support such a worthy cause.

It has also been a great term for sports with pupils taking part in both Sixth Form Games and fixture. With the football team playing a very strong game against King’s Taunton and the netball team preparing for its first fixture of the season. The sixth form as a whole has also thrown itself into Thursday games and given sports from basketball to yoga a try.

As we headed towards Christmas the sixth form worked to organise and support all the Christmas festivities. The Christmas carol service was a resounding success well attended by both students and the community, with our head student, Ben Wheller, taking part in the service. The sixth form was also lucky enough to have its first Winter Formal organised by our ever-busy social secretary. A great turnout was seen across both year groups in sixth form who all agreed that it was a great night and a much-needed chance to relax after a very busy term.

I think we can all agree that it’s been a great start to the year, only made better by the support of our tutors, Mrs Crombie, Mr Moise and Mr McLeish. I hope you all have a lovely Christmas break, and we look forward to welcoming all our sixth form students back in January.