Remembrance Day 2023

Remembrance Day 2023

Today we marked Remembrance Day with an in-school service in memory of all the men and women who have given their lives in service to their country.

The service was led by Reverend Jonathon Evans who welcomed our students with an opening prayer and the blessing of the Combat Cadet Force (CCF) standard.

Student Ali D read the poem ‘In Flanders Field’ by John McCrae followed by a Bible reading, John Chapter 15, Vs 9-17, read by Emmanuel F.

Students in the Combined Cadet Force led by Captain Sainsbury, School Staff Instructor, and members of the school community and other uniform organisations laid wreaths to remember the fallen.

After this members of the Sexey’s Sixth Student Leadership Team read the names of former staff and students from Sexey’s School who gave their lives in combat. Students from Sexey’s Sixth stood in turn as each name was called to represent the 102 soldiers lost.

A Remembrance Day prayer was read by Rev’d Johnathon Evans and the school all sang the National Anthem to end the service.

In addition to the service, our Year 7s laid crosses at the front of the school to remember the fallen and our boarding community joined the Bruton Remembrance Parade on Sunday.