Introducing our new Sixth Form Prefect Team

Meet our new Sixth Form Prefect Team. Find out what they are studying, their career aspirations and what they plan to achieve in their new roles when we return in September.
Head of School – Ben W
My name is Ben and I’m your new Head of School. I’m currently studying History, Politics and Religion. I’ve been at Sexey’s since year 7 so it’s been a massive part of my life and a huge part of me growing up. Because of this I feel like I really understand the school and what it means to be a Sexey’s student. I want to continue some of the great work the previous prefects have done as well as work with the current prefects and whole school on key focus areas such as the environment, the local community and mental health awareness. If you see me around, feel free to ask me any questions or just say hello.
Assistant Head of School – Mental Health and Well Being – Alex E
I’m Alex and my role is Head of Mental Health and Well Being. I currently take Psychology, English and Chemistry, and I’m hoping to go on to do Psychology at university, a course that links strongly to my role as senior head prefect. I hope to improve the student experience at Sexey’s through taking action to put more mental health support in place, especially around exam season; being an understanding figure for anyone to talk to as well as putting measures in place so that students can report ways in which wellbeing in our community can be improved.
Assistant Head of School – Sixth Form, Diversity and Inclusion – Tilly B
I’m Tilly and I have been appointed the role of Assistant Head Prefect, with my role specifically focused on diversity and inclusivity. I have been a student at Sexey’s since year 7 and have involved myself in the school community in areas like sports, specifically netball and I am currently studying Maths, Psychology, and History. My aim as an assistant head is to develop our PSHE lessons and assemblies to include a wider range of topics in order to educate the school community, whilst also continuing new traditions like culture day. If you have any suggestions then please share them with me, or any of the other prefects, so we can move forward with your ideas.
Assistant Head of School – Environment – Henry S
Hi, I’m Henry and I am an Assistant Head of School – focusing on the environment. I am studying English Literature, History and Geography. I am interested in attending university, but I have no plans beyond that, except for travel and hopefully lots of money. In my role, I’m working to improve both our school’s environment and the environment local to us. I would like to promote an overall awareness of our green impact, as well as leading various community projects. Specifically, I am interested in the further implementation of recycling bins around the school site and organising litter picks to become more regular. I am hoping to begin planning a community redesign of some of the school’s natural areas (to get involved and keep up to date, make sure to take part in any environmental committee meetings). Look forward to working with you all. 🙂🌳
Assistant Head of School – Community Links and Partnerships – Nicole M
Hi, my name is Nicole, I am a Sixth Form student currently studying Geography, Sociology and Business Studies. I have been appointed as Assistant Head, and Head of Community Link and Partnerships this year, meaning my role will involve maintaining integrated relationships both inside and outside of our school community through various meetings and events. As I have been at Sexey’s since year 7 and hold great knowledge and experiences at this school, so please come and talk to me at any time about any ideas or concerns you may have, and I will do my best to be a great student voice for you all. I hope to be a helpful, friendly hand for everyone, and am looking forward to influencing our community experiences and friendships over the next year 🙂
Assistant Head of School – Boarding – Fred J
Hi my name is Fred J and I am one of the new Assistant Heads of School as well as Head of Boarding. I am currently studying French, History, and politics for A-level. In my role as Head of Boarding I would like to further help to create a welcoming and accepting community in boarding and ensure that all new boarders feel welcomed and at home in our community. I also would like to promote the cultural diversity which we are so lucky to have at Sexey’s. Finally, I will always be available for anyone to talk to at any time.
Assistant Head of School – Core Values and Mentoring – Flo M
Hi, my name is Flo Mowat and I am one of the new Assistant Head of School, and the Head of Mentoring and Core Values. I currently study a-level PE, Psychology and English Literature and I aspire to go into a career of clinical psychology. In my role of prefect, I hope to implement new schemes that help those who feel they would like some more help with things such as: schoolwork, friendships and mental help. I would also like to help the new year 7s transition smoothly into the secondary school setting using the core values that I believe to be an important part of our school community.
Bint Shield Coordinator – DeShawn A
My name is DeShawn A and my role as a prefect is the coordinator of the Bint Shield. Currently in sixth form the subjects I take for my A levels are Maths, Chemistry and Physics as I enjoy STEM related subjects. In the future I hope to be a successful entrepreneur working hopefully in the STEM world designing innovative products. During the duration of my time in sixth form, I hope to put in new schedules in place for the Bint Shield and make it more known throughout the school. This would include a range of different activities for houses to compete, ranging from sports to academics to keep everyone involved. I would do this by having mini competitions every term and an end of term Bint Shield activity which will involve every year group.
Fundraising – Scarlett K
Hi, I’m Scarlet K, I study Sociology, Politics and Geography and plan to go to university after sixth form and study Sociology and Politics as I have interests in research and policy advising. I have been given the role of fundraising, within my role as I hope to help with any charity work in the school or raising money for school events like prom. As a prefect I also hope to be a friendly and helpful figure to any lower school students.
Fundraising – Paolo Z
My name is Paolo Z and I consider myself to be a hardworking and dedicated student who is also sporty. I have taken on the fundraising role and during my time as a prefect I want to raise as much money as we can whilst having fun while doing it. I am currently studying Maths, Chemistry and Physics and in the future, I want to study chemical engineering at university and do my master’s in petroleum engineering, so when I start working, I’ll be able to work in an oil and gas company.
Social Secretary – Charlie W
Hi, I’m Charlie and I’m a prefect in the role of Social Secretary. I am currently studying English Literature, Psychology and Photography at A-Level and I joined Sexey’s School in September of 2022. I am proudly taking on this role in the hope of uniting members within the school specifically within our sixth form. It is my pleasure to be a friendly face representing our school and to allow the integration of upper and lower sixth with fun and engaging social events during my time in this position.
Sexey’s Parliament Chair – Poppy J
Hi, my name is Poppy and I have been selected as your sixth form prefect for Chair of Parliament. I am currently studying Geography, Sociology and Politics. As your representative I hope to bridge the gap between lower school and sixth form and the community between year groups and make the school one collective. I hope to help be a kind and helpful prefect for all over the next year.
Sexey’s Parliament Secretary – Hugh F
Hi I’m Hugh, I’m currently studying English Literature, Politics, and History. In my role as co-chair of Sexey’s Parliament I hope to make students feel more empowered within school decision making and in doing so improve the school overall.
Year 7 Sixth Form Prefect – Charlotte P
Hi, I’m charlotte and I am a prefect for Year 7. I take History, English Literature and Psychology at A Level and have been at Sexey’s since Year 7. I hope to be a positive role model for our new students and welcome them into our community and build a bridge between lower school and sixth form.
Year 7 Sixth Form Prefect – Merlin S
I have recently come to Sexeys school to do my A levels after doing my GCSE’s. I’m currently studying Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics and my future aspirations are medicine at university, Doctor, Cardiovascular/trauma surgeon, in the RAF or Navy. My interests are chess, guitar, Air Cadets, health and fitness and cricket.
I have just transitioned into a new and possibly quite scary environment even be it a welcoming and safe one. I grew up taking part in many sports and still enjoy cricket. I started Air Cadets at around 14, which is a huge part of my life and is helping develop me as a person and towards my hopeful future career. I want to make Year 7 as much as a welcoming place as possible and make sure that it is a brilliant start to their journey at Sexeys School. I look forward to helping any students out and if you have any queries about anything just ask.
Year 8 Sixth Form Prefect – Daisy G
Hi. I’m Daisy and over the next year, I will be the prefect for Year 8. I’m very approachable and will gladly provide advice and support to anyone who needs it. At the moment, I’m studying A levels in Maths, Chemistry, Physics and Further Maths. In the future, I hope to study either Chemistry or Chemical Engineering at university.
Year 9 Sixth Form Prefect – Jasmine G
Hi. I’m Jasmine, and I’m the Year 9 prefect. Over the next year I am happy to be a source of support and guidance when needed. Currently, I am studying A-levels in Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Further Maths. In the future, I hope to study either Chemistry or Chemical Engineering at university.
Year 10 Sixth Form Prefect – Nina S
My role as year 10 prefect entails helping out at year group assemblies, supporting students with ideas for the school and generally assisting the head of year. Along with this I hope to explore the idea of outdoor spaces and connections between the year groups, specifically creating a community between the upper and lower schools. Further ideas include upper year mentoring around GCSE’s, optional study groups, year group events and fundraising days. I currently take History, Psychology and English Literature and after A Levels I hope to study as an Archologist, specialising in Ancient History. My interests lie in fashion, journalism, music, history and photography, something I hope to pursue alongside Archology.
Year 11 Sixth Form Prefect – John P
As Head of Year 11, I hope to act as a role model for the years below me and to support them when necessary. I think Year 11 is a vital point in a young person’s education and I want to provide as much support and guidance as I can to ensure the students of this year make the best-informed decisions for their future careers.
I take Maths, Further Maths, and Physics. After school, I plan on studying something mathematics related at university to then go into fields such as software engineering or mathematical modeling. Along with this, I want to get into business and investing and perhaps start my own company.
Student Head of House Hobhouse – Will G
Hi, my name is Will and I am Head of Hobhouse here at Sexey’s. I am very pleased to have taken on this role and aspire to push Hobhouse forward over the upcoming year in a way that leaves a lasting impact for the future. Boarding since Year 7 means I know and understand many of the ins and outs of school life, which will be beneficial when making decisions regarding the students and the school. In my time here I have discovered that everybody is incredibly friendly, particularly the senior students, an ethos I would like to continue to encourage amongst the student population. An approachable and confident person, I hope to inspire strong positive relations with everyone in the community so that each individual feel included in Sexey’s life. I aim to make Hobhouse the dominant house it should be. I also aim to motivate students in all years participate especially in Bint Shield competitions as well as charitable events and activities. If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.
Student Head of House Gollege – Harry N
My name is Harry and I study Maths, Further Maths and Physics. I have taken on the role of Head of Golledge, during my time in this role I intend on making sure all Golledge students have all the necessary support to enjoy their time at Sexeys and fulfil their academic potential. After my time at Sexey’s I want to study engineering at university and do my masters in energy, sustainability, and the environment to eventually work in the nuclear industry.
Student Head of House Glyn Jones – Millie C
Hello, I am Millie, I play hockey outside of school for two clubs and like to play and watch rugby. I can be sociable and chatty with people, and I like pets. I have taken on the roles of coordinator of the BINT Shield and also head of Glyn Jones. My subjects which I currently take are Sports Studies, Biology and Business Studies. After my time at Sexey’s I hope to go to university and study Sport and Exercise Science. In my positions as prefect, I hope to achieve that the games will become a bigger part of Sexey’s which they once were and also try and get more people involved in the games themselves weather that be academic or sport based. I also hope that Glyn Jones will come in a better finishing place that 3rd. I would also like to for the school to become the community it once was when the games were bigger and there was more of a passion for the shield to be one with your house.
Student Head of House Knight – Rishi O’MR
Hi, I’m Rishi and I currently study Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Biology. I aspire to take dentistry at Bristol University, and go on to become an orthodontist. As the head of Knight house I hope to unite our students and staff for the Bint Shield.