Sexey’s Sixth End of Spring Term Roundup

As this term comes to an end, we think it is super important to reflect on all that we in Sexey’s Sixth have accomplished over the past few months, since our last update.
One of the greatest achievements, which involved support from both staff and students, was our ‘good’ Ofsted result. This is really a credit to everyone, and just formally validates how we have such a great school, and sixth form. On a personal note – we both feel so privileged to be able to leave school in June, knowing we have seen the school go from strength to strength in our time here.
On the academic side of things, all of us in Year 13 have just completed our final round of mocks. We know these are essential to identify any gaps within our knowledge before our final A Level exams, despite us all being somewhat stressed at times – however we know that receiving this feedback is vital.
It is also an exciting time for Year 12, as many start to think about their plans after leaving school. This was supported by school by a recent trip to the annual careers and university fair at Ashton Gate, in Bristol. We both found this so helpful when we visited last year, and having spoken to many in Year 12, I know that they also did. In fact, this is where we both discovered some of our courses/universities that we ended up actually applying for.
Other trips that took places this term included the Religious Studies trip to a conference at Wells Cathedral School, along with several weekend boarding trips including a visit to Ninja Warrior UK, and paintballing, which I know was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Furthermore, the advantages of boarding at Sexey’s were showcased during our recent boarding open day. Many of our Year 12 and 13 students were involved in delivering speeches, and offering tours to prospectus parents. It was so great to see several external Year 11’s come to see what boarding when attending Sexey’s Sixth is all about, and consequently applying for their place at the end of the day.
As we look forward, Year 13’s now have just under two months until our A Levels start, meaning we all really need to continue to knuckle down, utilise the two weeks over the Easter holidays, and try our best, in order to open the results we deserve in August. However, before results day, we have prom which we are all so looking forward to, and is currently being planned by students!
Anna C and Hal AD
Heads of School