Black Swan Young Open, Frome 2023- Art Competition Success

Black Swan Young Open, Frome 2023- Art Competition Success

During half term we were delighted to be informed that three of our pupils’ entries to the Black Swan Young Open 2023 Art Competition were successfully selected for exhibition, with pupil’s exhibiting more than one outcome.

On Saturday 4th March, Kiki DW Year 11 GCSE Art & Design, gained a Highly Commended award for her respective age category. Kiki’s entry is her mixed media ‘Giorgio Morandi’ inspired bottle chalk & charcoal studies and acrylic painting.

Romy S Year 12 A Level Fine Art is exhibiting her mixed media cultural study and her architectural studies and Tomas O is exhibiting his structural outcome.

The Young Open 2023 exhibition is ‘the largest young art competition in the Southwest’ and open to the public Monday -Sunday until 16th April at Black Swan Arts, Frome.

A selection of photos from the Exhibition can be seen below: