State Boarding at Sexey’s School for Hong Kong BNO holders interested in a top UK Education

The Hong Kong BN(O) Visa route opened for applications on 31st January 2021, allowing Hongkongers with BNO status to live, work and study in the UK for up to five years. State education is included in this application, resulting in many parents considering relocating to the UK and reviewing the UK education plan for their children.

Similarly, Hong Kong residents that hold a UK passport may consider a British education for their children at a top UK boarding school.

歡迎BNO持有者為子女申請英國公立寄宿學校Sexey’s School




Why Sexey’s School for a Hong Kong family or BNO Visa holder interested in a UK education?

Sexey’s School is a co-educational state boarding and day school for students aged 11-18. Our excellent pastoral care, compelling academic results and broad range of extracurricular activities offer an ideal environment to meet the needs of Hong Kong citizens newly relocated to the UK or sending their children to the UK to study.

為何選擇Sexey’s School?

Sexey’s School是英國全日制公立寄宿學校,學生年齡介乎11至18歲。學校出色的教牧關懷、優異的學術成果以及廣泛的課外活動,為學生提供了一個理想的環境,亦可滿足剛搬至英國或將子女送至英國升學的港人的需求。

Outstanding results

  • Sexey’s is a non-selective school, which means there are no entrance exams to attend.
  • However, we achieve outstanding results, year on year. Our 2020 A Level results placed us in the top 5% in the country for progress students make.
  • Government data released in February 2020 ranked Sexey’s as the top performing state school in Somerset, based on its English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score for GCSE. Photo of Hong Kong Chinese student


  • Sexey’s School是一所全方位學校(non-selective),無須入學考試
  • 學校每年都取得出色的成績。2020年,學生的A Level成績名列英國前5%。
  • 根據2020年2月發布的政府數據,Sexey’s School是薩默塞特郡(Somerset)表現最好的公立學校,該結果是根據其GCSE的英語學士學位(EBacc)平均得分評定。

Progression to university

  • 100% of our students progress on to university, with 60% of those at Russell Group universities. This year, we have had students accepted to Oxford and Cambridge. Read more here.


  • 我們100%的學生成功升入大學,其中60%的學生入讀羅素集團(Russell Group)的大學。今年,我們有學生被牛津大學和劍橋大學錄取。了解更多

Careers support

  • All our students have access to careers advice and guidance in every school year. Experiences and opportunities are also offered at our regularly updated Careers page.


  • 每個學年,我們所有的學生都可獲得職業建議和指導。學校招聘網站的定期更新為學生提供工作機會。


  • Our boarding students have access to all of the extracurricular activities on offer during and immediately after the school day, from coding club, to chess, to all school sports, to fencing, to debating and more.
  • Additionally, our Houseparents provide evening and weekend activities for our boarders, including competitions, swimming in our in-school pool, trips to theme parks, cultural excursions and more.


  • 我們的寄宿學生可在上學期間或課餘時間參加所有課外活動,包括編碼、國際象棋、所有學校體育活動、擊劍及辯論等等。
  • 此外,我們的寄宿監護人為寄宿生安排晚上和周末的活動,包括比賽,於學校游泳池游泳、主題公園之旅及文化遊覽等。

Pastoral support

  • We understand that relocating to a new country can be daunting. Our highly experienced pastoral teams, Director of Boarding, Boarding Houseparents, Assistant Houseparents and Matron provide emotional and pastoral support for all students. With many students relocating to the UK to live and work at Sexey’s, we are best placed to support them and help them to get settled quickly.
  • Sexey’s also has a number of trained wellbeing counsellors, and appointments can be made with them at any time.
  • Student voice is very important to us. Our boarders are regularly asked for their opinions on food, trips and their boarding experience. You can read more about this in our regular boarding bulletins from our Head of Boarding.


  • 我們理解搬遷至異國他鄉會遇到諸多問題及考驗。我們經驗豐富的牧師團隊,寄宿主管,寄宿監護人、宿管助手和護工為所有學生提供情感和教牧關懷。隨著眾多學生移居英國,於Sexey’s居住和工作,我們最有能力為他們提供支持,並幫助他們迅速定居。
  • Sexey’s School亦擁有許多訓練有素的健康諮詢師,可以隨時預約諮詢。
  • 學生的意見對我們而言至關重要。我們的寄宿生會定期被要求就食物、旅行和寄宿經驗提出意見。您可以從寄宿負責人定期的寄宿公告中了解更多相關信息。


  • Sexey’s is set in idyllic Bruton in Somerset, voted among the Sunday Times’ top 20 best places to live. We have excellent transport links to London, the South West and Wales. We are also able to assist in making travel arrangements to and from airports for boarders if required.


  • Sexey’s 位於在薩默塞特郡如田園詩般的Bruton,該地被《星期日泰晤士報》評選為20個最佳居住地點之一。學校至倫敦、英國西南和威爾士的交通十分便利。如有需要,我們亦可協助處理寄宿生往返機場的交通安排HK chinese boarding student

Cost of State Boarding

As a state boarding school parents only pay the cost of boarding as education is covered by the state. This means that rather than paying £25,000+ a year for an independent boarding school, you will pay around £11,000/year (plus extras such as school uniform, music lessons and school trips). A BNO Visa allows access to a UK state education if parents are resident in the UK.



Arrange a Visit

If you would like to know more about what Sexey’s has to offer, please email Admissions. We would be delighted to arrange for you to take a virtual or in-person tour of the school.



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