Part-time boarding

Part-time boarding is available to students in Lower School and is an addition to our current full time and flexi boarding offer. Part-time boarding allows those living locally the option to board two or three prearranged nights per week- giving students the flexibility to board and enjoy time at home.

Our Part-time boarding offer enables students who live outside of the schools catchment area but within an approximate 30 minute drive/15 mile radius of the school the option to board two or three prearranged nights per week choosing either Monday/Tuesday, Wednesday/Thursday or any three nights.

This might be especially useful for parents who are required to work long/unsociable hours or are required to work away from home.

Alternative options are available for Sixth Form boarding allowing students to stay either two, three or four pre-arranged nights a week with the added benefit of a study room from Monday to Friday.

Part-time boarding fees

Part-time boarding fees for 2024/25 admissions are:

Two Nights – £1,786 per term, £5,358 per year.

Three Nights – £2,680 per term, £8,038 per year.

The fees includes supervision and activities in the boarding houses, supported independent learning at prep time, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and overnight stay for two or three pre-arranged nights per week based on the package you choose.

A 5% discount on boarding fees is offered for sibling places in boarding. This applies whilst there are two or more boarders, who are siblings, on the school roll provided they reside at the same permanent address out of term time. The school may require proof of eligibility.

In year admissions

Part-time boarding for in year admissions for Years 7 – 11 are subject to availability.

 2024/2025 admissions

Ten part-time boarding places will be allocated for the Year 7 intake. Part-time boarding in Years 8 to 11 will be subject to availability.

Part-time boarding terms

Applications for Part-time boarding must be submitted directly to the school using the appropriate application form and all current boarding terms and conditions and boarding deposit will apply.

Students will receive two or three pre-agreed nights of boarding each week during term time – this will be either Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday or any three pre-arranged nights. However, there is no requirement for the student to be present for all nights booked.

Part-time boarding includes supervision and activities in the boarding houses, supported independent learning at prep time, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and overnight stay for two or three pre-arranged nights per week.

Students admitted to the school on a part-time boarder basis in Year 7 can remain in school on these terms until Year 11 (yearly fees are subject to change).

Once the offer of a part-time boarding place has been confirmed, parents/guardians will be asked to sign a Form of Agreement and submit a fees retention deposit of £500 per child. This deposit is non-refundable in the event that the child does not take up the place accepted. It is held on account and can be redeemed against the extras for the final term.

Part-time boarding criteria

  • Students must live within a 15 mile/30-minute travel time of the school or the distance from school is seen to be deemed a suitable daily commute and transport method is confirmed.
  • Should a student fail to maintain 95% attendance on their non-boarding days the school reserves the right to withdraw the part-time boarding place under the unsuitable to board policy.
  • It is not possible to be a Part-time Boarder and use Occasional Boarding as a combined package.
  • Flexi-boarding (renamed to Occasional Boarding) will only be available to part-time boarders in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Headteacher.

Please view our Admissions Policy for more information.

Places are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis. Once all places are allocated oversubscription criteria will apply, please see the Admissions Policy for full details. For further information, please contact Admissions on: