New senior student leadership team announced

We are delighted to announce that the Senior Student Leadership Team for the academic year 2022/23 has now been finalised. This year we have adapted the structure slightly and have aligned roles to whole school priorities and student voice and areas of interest.
A huge congratulations to Anna C and Hal A who has been appointed Head of School. They will be supported by Poppy A the Deputy Head of School.
Congratulations also to all the students who have been appointed to senior roles within the school community.
Sexey’s Student Senior Leadership Team:
- Head of School: Anna C and Hal A
- Deputy Head of School: Poppy A
- Assistant Head of School – Sixth Form representative: Sam H
- Assistant Head of School – Sexey’s Parliament Chair: George G
Sixth Form Senior Prefect Team
- Enrichment and Wider experiences: Lydia S
- Charities and Community: Emily D
- Diversity and wellbeing: Claude C
- Cultural Awareness and Appreciation: Naysa B
- Sixth Form Social Secretary: Daisy S-R
Sixth Form Prefect Team
- Student Leader of Knight: Alicia Crees
- Student Leader of Glyn Jones: Zac M
- Student Leader of Hobhouse: Ben G
- Student Leader of Golledge and Horticulture Lead: Oscar S
- Year 7 Sixth Form Prefect: Hazel M
- Year 8 Sixth form Prefect: Sophie C
- Year 9 Sixth Firm Prefect: Leo S
- Year 10 Sixth Form Prefect: Henry R
- Year 11 Sixth Form Prefect: Gretel W
- Boarding Ambassador: Nifimi O
Commenting, Mrs Cullen, Headteacher said, “Please do congratulate the students, they were amazing in their interviews and I am sure Anna and Hal will lead the team well. Both talked with passion and pride for Sexey’s and want to make a difference to young students lives. My thanks go to Mr Moise and Mrs Kiddell for their support with selecting these students and to Mrs Pitman and Mrs Crombie for their help in organising the interviews.
Students in all year groups will soon be able to read the leadership team’s individual testimonials on the school notice board opposite the hall and should feel free to approach them with ideas relevant to their positions.