S.A.F.E Day Report 2022

S.A.F.E Day Report 2022

Our annual S.A.F.E Day (Support and Advice for Everyone) was held in School on Tuesday 8th March 2022.

Based in the Main Hall, we welcomed a variety of agencies to school to encourage our students to engage, receive information and get advice on how to stay safe. The format allowed them to ask questions and seek guidance about a number of subjects and issues, including mental, emotional, physical and sexual health, domestic abuse, bullying, LGBTQIA+ and drugs and alcohol abuse.

We were pleased to be able to invite guests once again into school. Our sincere thanks go to all the organisations who supported us, including:

  • SAFE Day 2022It’s OK 2BU – We welcomed Shelley from 2BU Somerset, a Youth Support Service for #LGBTQ+ young people aged 13 to 25 in Somerset.
  • Avon and Somerset Police – PCSO’s Louise and Will joined us. They spoke to students about public order and how to keep themselves and others safe.
  • Hide Out (Domestic Abuse charity) – Women’s Aid created this space to help children and young people to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it’s happening to you.
  • Escapeline – Escapeline joined us to raise awareness of child exploitation. They work closely with schools, police, local authority, health and other local voluntary organisations.
  • SAFE DAY 2022Young Somerset – Young Somerset spoke to our students about the support they provide to young people in the county. This includes youth work, alternative learning provision and enterprise, emotional wellbeing and mental health support.
  • Sweda – Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association offers support to young people aged 16-25.
  • Mind – Youth Matters and Time to Connect Somerset enjoyed lots of conversations with our students about what Mind in Somerset has to offer. Mind make sure that everyone with a mental health problem has somewhere to turn for advice and support.

SAFE DAY 2022Along with the external agencies our own school nursing team joined us for SAFE Day but are on-site every day to support students. Every Wednesday lunchtime they provide an on-site school-based confidential health clinic. The clinic is open to all students and runs from the Pastoral Hub.

SAFE Day 2022


Our School Peer Mentors also hosted a stand. Our Peer Mentors and trained in listening and strategies to support anyone who needs it. They hold drop-in sessions every lunchtime in the Pastoral Hub and do a fantastic job to support the whole school community.

A big thank you to our Pastoral team for once again arranging such a fantastic event for our students.

Commenting on the initiative, Mrs Wilson, Pastoral Manager, said, “We organise this day each year to raise awareness of the plethora of amazing organizations that are out there to support students who might be dealing with a range of issues, and for whatever reason might feel more comfortable looking outside of school for additional help. We hope that this will support students dealing with concerns now, but also in the future, as students can signpost where to go to their friends.”

Headteacher Helen Cullen said “The Pastoral Hub is at the centre of the school. The team within this area are fantastic, day in and day out they support young people with a wide range of difficulties and needs. No issue is too big and no worry to small, they always find time for students. I am proud that as a Headteacher we are able to provide first class pastoral support for our students that is personalised, aligned to need and available when they need it.”