Remembrance Day 2021

Today we marked Remembrance Day with an in-school virtual service in memory of all those men and women who have given their lives in service to their country.
Students in the Combined Cadet Force led by Mr Paul Sainsbury, School Staff Instructor, and members of the school community and other uniform organisations laid wreaths to remember the fallen.
Matilda C and Thor M, Year 10, represented the school Combined Cadet Force
Joseph T, Year 11 represented the RAF Air Cadets
Phoenix B, Year 7, and Freya B, Year 8 represented the Sea Cadets
James M, Year 12, Ed D and Cameron Clifford, Year 7, represented the Scouts
Elanor B and Effie W, Year 7, represented the Guides
Alex E, Year 11, and Ed G, Year 13, represented Sexey’s School
A Remembrance Day prayer was read by the School Chaplain Mr Johnathon Hall followed by the Lord’s Prayer.
After this Rebecca F and Holly S, Year 13, read the names of former members of the School who gave their lives in combat.
A two-minute silence was held at 11am.
They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.
Ahead of the service Year 7 students laid crosses in the school garden for past Sexey’s students that have passed in times of conflict.