Senior student leadership team announced

We are delighted to announce that the Senior Student Leadership Team for the academic year 2021/22 has now been finalised, following a competitive interview process and incorporating voting from students and input from teachers.
A huge congratulations to Rebecca F, who has been appointed Head of School. She will be supported by Edward G and Holly S who are Deputy Heads of School.
Congratulations also to the following students who have been appointed to senior roles within the school community:
- Activities and Events: Audrey G and Oliver W
- BINT Shield: Theo K
- Charities Co-ordinator: Anjola A
- Diversity: Olachukwu A
- Parliament Chair: Iain K
- Parliament Vice-Chair: Simon L
- Sixth Form Representative: Rose B
- Student Wellbeing Co-ordinators: Iris O and Annabelle C
- Year 7 Champion: Ben L
- Year 8 Champion: Zuzanna P
- Year 9 Champion: Alice R
- Year 10 Champion: Pilar E C
- Year 11 Champion: Ellen K
Head of School Becky F said, “I am extremely excited to step into this role and I am eager to revive some Sexey’s traditions within the BINT shield competitions – I can’t wait to see what our coordinators and champions can create as a team. Another, very important, aspect I look forward to enhancing is our school’s diversity awareness and embracement, not only regarding race but in all aspects that define us: gender, religion, culture – to name a few. The importance of this in our school community is immense as the safety, comfort and voice of every student is what shapes Sexey’s. Therefore, feel free to reach out to me or the team. Thank you.”
Commenting, Mrs Cullen, Headteacher said, “Mr Moise, Mrs Kiddell and I are so proud of the students who have taken up these senior leadership positions. This year the students are all of a particularly high calibre, which made the selection process especially difficult. We look forward very much to seeing what they will each bring to their assigned roles and as a teaching body, we look forward to working with them.”
Students in all year groups will be able to read the leadership team’s individual testimonials on the school notice board opposite the hall and should feel free to approach them with ideas relevant to their positions.