Choosing a Sixth Form?

Five Top Tips for choosing your Sixth Form or College in lockdown
It’s hard to deny that this is a difficult time for students making education choices right now. The usual milestones for choosing where to take A Levels have become blurred. Open Days, visits from schools, collecting prospectuses – have mostly gone online and can be viewed at any time, making it hard to keep track.
But deadlines are looming for making your next step. If you’re still undecided, we can help you to choose. Here are five top tips from our students to get you started:
1. Know your deadlines – and ask if you’re struggling to meet them
Most Sixth Forms will have fixed deadlines by which they will be accepting your application. This is usually to help them to firm up option block choices and ensure that all of the paperwork is ready for the new school year. At Sexey’s Sixth, our deadline for external applications for a guaranteed September 2021 place is Friday 22nd January. Having this date in your mind will help you to focus on getting all of your questions answered. We’re holding lots of virtual interviews and conversations with prospective candidates right now and would love to answer any questions you might have. Contact us if you need help or a deadline extension and remember there’s lots of information available on our website here.
2. Think laterally about your subjects
You’re dead set on taking your favourite subjects and that’s admirable – after all, we often perform best when feeling motivated. But if the Sixth Form you feel has the best fit for you doesn’t have your subject choice on offer – consider your options. It may be that a similar subject can take you closer to your preferred university course, or open the doors to a new path. Perhaps you could attend or start a club related to your first choice subject so that you keep that up alongside! Remember that most traditionally ‘academic’ subjects will most likely be recognised by top universities even for more vocational courses.
3. Take a leap
Sometimes a change can be daunting but now is the best time to make it if you’re looking for something new! We have a melting pot of students from local schools, our own lower school students, and boarding students from further afield so there’s a real mix. One of our Sixth Formers, Elsie, talks about her move to Sexey’s from Gillingham School as easy because she “made friends on induction day and stayed in touch with them over the summer holidays. There was nothing to worry about when term started in September.” It could be the same for you.
4. Look at what more you get beyond your courses
Does your preferred Sixth Form or College offer a robust HE+ programme? Are there plenty of trips (outside of lockdown)? What about careers and university/apprenticeship application support? Is the pastoral team up to scratch? Will you have a dedicated Sixth Form area for work and meeting friends? Often these things are as important or more so than your subject courses in giving you the best experience.
5. What do the Sixth Formers say?
Don’t be afraid to ask the Sixth Formers who are already studying at your top choices. After all, they’re the ones who will be able to tell you what it’s really like! You can hear from our Sexey’s Sixth Formers in the video here, or request to speak to one personally. We’re always happy to help you to make your choice!
For more advice, you could try these articles from the Good Schools Guide and Milkround.
Feel free to view our Sixth Form pages to find out more or call us on +44 (0)1749 813393. We’d love to help you with your final decisions!
John Moise
Head of Sixth Form
Sexey’s Sixth