Positive Ofsted Report

We are delighted to have been issued with our final report resulting from an Ofsted Care Assurance Inspection held on 14 October 2020. The Social Care Inspector identified no areas for concern and has issued a very positive report about the boarding care at Sexey’s School.
The report can be read in full on the School website (at the link here) but it includes the following highlights:
“The boarding staff understand the emotional and physical healthcare needs of the boarders. Comprehensive care plans offer the staff guidance about how those healthcare needs are to be met.”
“The boarding staff understand how to manage risks and keep the boarders safe. They are vigilant, show professional curiosity and promptly challenge and escalate any safeguarding concerns.”
“Safeguarding policies and procedures are effective.”
“The boarding staff have a good working relationship with safeguarding professionals.”
“Boarders report that they feel safe and could name someone to speak to if they felt worried or unsafe. Any safeguarding incidents are comprehensively investigated.”
About the boarding staff and student relationships
“The boarding staff offer the boarders warm, child-focused, nurturing care. Boarders report that they really enjoy boarding. They benefit from consistent rules and boundaries and boarding routines run smoothly. The boarders value the sense of community and the family feel of the school.”
“Boarders benefit from open and trusting relationships with the boarding staff. They are encouraged to share their views, opinions and concerns. They report that they feel listened to and their views are promptly acted upon by the boarding staff whenever possible.”
Feedback from parents
“Parents report that their children are very well cared for and benefit from boarding at the school. Parents value and comment positively on the effective communication from the boarding staff and feel confident that their children are well cared for and safe.”
About the educational support provided in boarding
“The school and boarding staff work closely together to ensure that the boarders make progress with their education. Educational achievement is promoted by the boarding staff. Prep time in the boarding houses is closely supervised. Boarders report that they find it helpful to have a specified time after school to focus on their homework.”
About leadership in boarding at Sexey’s
“The boarding provision of the school offers a high-quality boarding experience. Leaders and managers provide strong and stable leadership and are relentless in their pursuit of improvement and development.”
Commenting, Helen Cullen, Headteacher at Sexey’s School said, “I am delighted by the exceptional findings of this Ofsted Care Assurance Inspection of our boarding provision. The staff at Sexey’s have worked tirelessly to address the areas of concern from our previous inspection and this report is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our boarding staff, led by Director of Boarding Mr Haydn Kershaw and our safeguarding team led by Mrs Clare Wilson. I thank them for everything that they do to support the care and safety of the young people at Sexey’s School.