‘Super School’ Maths status awarded

‘Super School’ Maths status awarded

We’re absolutely delighted to have been named a HegartyMaths ‘Super School’ for 2019-20, putting Sexey’s in the top 10% of its 1,700 member schools nationally.

Sexey’s’ “Super School” status was awarded by the HegartyMaths team based on the number of unique skills completed well per student.

HegartyMaths is an educational subscription tool used by schools in the United Kingdom to support the teaching of the GCSE Mathematics curriculum. Its creator, Colin Hegarty, was the UK Teacher of the Year in 2015.

HegartyMaths covers a variety of topics and has over 900 tasks to complete. A task includes an educational video with an explaination and examples on the topic. Afterwards, there is a quiz to complete, containing topic specific questions. The site is regularly updated and more topics added to keep up with the GCSE Mathematics curriculum. Students can complete tasks by themselves, or teachers can assign these tasks to students to complete as homework or for revision purposes and then track the student’s progress. Super School award badge in shape of star

Commenting on the news, Mrs J Owen, Head of Mathematics at Sexey’s School said, “Becoming a HegartyMaths ‘Super School’ is a fantastic note on which to close the academic year. I’m so proud of all of our students who have been taking part in the HegartyMaths online skills. This award is well deserved and a real testament to how hard they’ve been working.”

During school lockdown, Sexey’s Maths team has also been providing students with online tutorials alongside their virtual lessons and set work. These can be viewed at https://bit.ly/MathswithMrDalzell.