Amazing Apprenticeships visit

Yesterday we welcomed Adrian Richfield, Project Co-ordinator at Amazing Apprenticeships into school to speak to our Year 10 and 11s. He was an excellent speaker who dispelled the myth that Apprenticeships are a second rate option – explaining to students that most professions can be accessed through an Apprenticeship, from airline pilots, solicitors, architects to healthcare roles.
Adrian also referenced a range of employers from McDonalds to the BBC who all offer degree level apprenticeships. He highlighted the need to identify and work on your skills as well as your qualifications, as this is a large part of what employers look for when they recruit.
Commenting, Elliot Brown, a Year 11 boarder, said, “I found it interesting that you can start apprenticeships at different levels and get degrees with them. I hadn’t realized that there were so many jobs you could qualify to do through an Apprenticeship either!”
For more details on Amazing Apprenticeships, and to download a Parents’ information pack, please visit our dedicated careers webpage:
Mrs Watson, Sexey’s Independent Careers Advisor