Pupil Premium Update 2019

Exciting and enriching events have taken place this year:
For the first time, we arranged for motivational guest speakers to come in and talk to our Pupil Premium (PP) students.
Hannah Kennedy Reynolds
Hannah Kennedy Reynolds came to speak to our Pupil Premium Disadvantaged students in October 2018. She gave a true and honest account of how she overcame a very troubled and complex childhood to go on to becoming a successful learning mentor and behaviour manager, working with disadvantaged young people in schools in the north of England.
Old Sexeians visit and talk about Forces families
Colonel Lucy Giles and Tom Frankland, both ex-Sexeians, came in to talk to our Service Child community in March. Having children of her own currently at boarding school, Colonel Giles was able to share her experiences as a ‘mum’ of Service Children, as well as being an active member of the Armed Forces herself. Tom grew up in a Forces family and boarded here at Sexey’s from Year 7 to Year 13. It was great to provide an opportunity for our Service Children to hear about, and share what it is like, to be a child of a Forces family.
Live Surgical Theatre Tour
Two of our PP students were successful in getting a place on the Live Surgical Theatre Tour that tours schools all over the country, setting up a truly authentic operating theatre! Its aimed at students who are considering a career in medicine and I understand from our two students who attended, that it was amazing to get an insight into what it would be like to be work in an operating theatre in real life.
Duke of Edinburgh support
We are always pleased to be able to contribute to the cost of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and this year we saw several of our PP students take part in the Bronze award, and some go on to qualify for the Silver Award as well – a great achievement!
Careers Workshop
In April this year, we ran a Careers Workshop for our Year 9 PP students. Its theme was ‘What are my skills and strengths? Can they get me a job? External speakers from the Food Industry came into to talk to the students and introduced them to the idea of ‘soft’ or ‘transferable’ skills, and helped them to reflect on what their own might be. The aim was to increase the students’ confidence by helping them to identify their skills, strengths and talents.
In the background, we have continued to monitor all our PP students closely, supporting our Disadvantaged students in making the progress they should, as well as making dedicated pastoral and external counselling support available to both our Disadvantaged and Service Children. We provided revision materials to all our PP students in Years 9, 10 and 11 and subsidised the annual Drama theatre trip for those who wished to go along.
We look forward to welcoming all our new PP students who will be joining us in September and we wish all our current PP students a happy, restful and sunny summer holiday.
Mrs D Day
Pupil Premium Administrator