Lower School Senior Team

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Adam Wagstaff and Rebecca Fay as Heads of Lower School, for the school year 2019/20.
They will be supported by the Senior Prefect Team, who have been selected and allocated an area of responsibility based on their personal interest, as follows:
- House Leadership – Ben Miller
- School Council – Elijah Taylor
- Community – Rose Beedle
- Environment – Holly Stokes
- Student voice – Alice Saxton
- Charities – Ruben FitzGerald
The students were selected after a rigorous new process of written application for the posts, open hustings, and private interview with members of the Senior Leadership Team, who made the final decision on those appointed.
Commenting, Helen Cullen, Headteacher said, “It was a difficult decision to make as we had some superb candidates this year, but I congratulate all of the Senior Prefects and especially Rebecca and Adam for the true commitment they all showed to making a difference to Sexey’s. I look forward to working more closely with them on their ambitions for the school.”
Adam Wagstaff and Rebecca Fay added, “We have been struck by the saying, ‘The ears of a leader ring with the voices of his/her people’ and we believe strongly in listening to the student body about the changes we would like to see in school, and enabling them to happen. We look forward to working with the senior prefects on issues such as reaffirming our strong school traditions, and reasserting our student voice. We hope to find effective ways of communicating our work back to all students, such as through our student magazine, assemblies and social media.”
Next week we look forward to announcing the appointment of the Sixth Form student leadership team.